Writing daily is a good exercise to keep your English in check and achieve consistent practice.
Keep a dictionary on hand to experiment with new vocabulary as you write.
But, writing daily isn’t all that easy. One of the challenges we face is to think about topics to write about.
Here are some ideas or questions that you can ponder on and write about:
1) What was today’s best moment? State when it happened and describe what happened. Write about how it made you feel.
2) Do you have an old photograph? Write about when it was taken. Where was it taken? What do you remember about it?
3) Did you learn something new today? Describe what it is that you learned today that you didn’t know before.
4) Do you have a favourite pop idol? What do you like about him, her or them? Have you attended any of their concerts before? Do you listen to their music often?
5) How were your meals today? Which meal did you enjoy the most? What was good about it and what type of food was it?
6) How was work this week? Did you achieve something you were proud of or did you feel unproductive? Describe a project you had to do and describe it’s highs and lows.
7) If you could change something about your job, what would it be?
8) The weekend is approaching. Do you have any plans? Describe what they are? Are they routine activities or will you be doing something special? What is a routine weekend like for you?
9) Have you read a book that inspired you recently? Describe what you liked about the book. What inspired you about its writing? Why do you love reading? When and where do you usually read?
10) Do you have a best friend? What do you usually do together and what do you like about his or her personality? Can you describe one memorable moment when you spent time together?
Try writing on these over 10 days or take the lesson pack!
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