
Weekly Topic: Tell us 3 good aspects about your favorite season.

Alex ・アレックス

絵日記・2022年11日15月 (英語・English ↓ )

魚と一緒に泳ぐ季節も終わり、 夏はあっという間に過ぎていきました! 秋も楽しみなところはあるけど。


ここに日本引っ越してきて以来、私の変わった好奇心をくすぐるものがいくつかあります。たとえば、鳴き声がまるで叫び声のように聞こえる鳥 (私は決してその鳥を見ることができず、ただ聞くだけです) 。においのする小さな花が咲く茂みなどです。 オレンジ風味の TicTacs (米国産のブレス ミント キャンディー) のようなにおいがする小さな花が咲く茂みもあります。



魚類の数は、他のすべての脊椎動物を合わせたよりも多くの数があります。 さらに海全体のすべて魚の種類よりも、日本語の文字、読み方、表現方法のほうが多様です。




The Season for Swimming with Fish is Over, and Now it's Time for Autumn Activities.

Japanese Picture Diary・November 15, 2022

The season for swimming with fish is over. Summer passed by too quickly!

 There are some things I enjoy about Autumn too though.

Firstly, there are the obvious joys of Autumn in Japan, such as the warm Autumn light, vivid blue skies, changing Momiji leaf colors, and delicious foods.

There are also a couple unusual curiosities I’ve had since I moved here, such as the bird that sounds like it’s screaming (I never seem to be able to see it, just hear it). There are also bushes that have tiny flowers that smell just like orange-flavored TicTacs (a breath mint candy from the United States).

There is one Autumn passion though, that shares similarities with my Summer passion of swimming with, and learning about, various fishes.

It’s immersing myself into the “sea of moji (文字)” and the Japanese language (moji is Japanese for “character”).

There are more fish species than all other vertebrate animals combined. There are more various Japanese characters, ways of reading them, and styles of expressing them than there are various species of fish in the entire sea.

Japanese characters are interesting, beautiful, and mysterious like life in the ocean.

Warm hōjicha (ほうじ茶) and delicious autumn food help with transitioning into the autumn season, along with deepening my studies. 

Swimming with fish was good exercise though, so I have to find a way to stay healthy and not let these Autumn joys make me fat.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my columns. I really appreciate it!
It has been so fun to share stories!

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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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  • Alex ・アレックス

    Yes, that sounds great! I yes, I am a Japanese-language nerd. lol

  • Yas.T

    Just reading this column make me easily realize how much you are obsessed with Japanese language. On the other hand I’m so curious about the stories of swimming with fish. So, next time I would like to hear what you have experienced in your lesson!

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