Their, There & They're - Words That Sound the Same but Mean Different

Tutor Renee

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. The spelling of all three words also differs.

The words they’re, their and there are homophones and are pronounced as *the-a.*




Their is a possessive pronoun which means belonging to them. It describes something that is owned by more than one person, thing or animal.




1.      Emiko and Hana have their own toys. In this sentence, the toys belong to Emiko and Hana.


2.      My cats are healthy and this fur has come from their bodies. In this sentence, the fur belongs to my cats.




The word there often refers to a location or place. It is used as a noun. A noun is a person, place or thing.




1.     I am going to spend the night there. In this sentence, the word there refers to a place where I am going to spend the night. The place is a noun because it refers to somewhere, which could be a hotel or a house.


2.      Are they still there?  In this question, we want to know whether those people, animals or things are still where we left them.



There can also be used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce a noun. A noun is a person, place or thing.




1.      There are many girls in that school. In this sentence, the word there is used to introduce the noun girls.


2.      Are there any books in the library? In this sentence, the word there is used to introduce the noun books.




They’re are two words they and are made into one word or a contraction.




1.      They are going to Tokyo tomorrow.

“They’re” going to Tokyo tomorrow.


2.      They are the largest countries in Asia

“They’re” the largest countries in Asia

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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