Carolyn Strover I would love to visit those festivals !

I would love to visit those festivals !

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Do I want to wrestle in mud ?? Do you want to throw tomatoes ?? Let's experience fun celebrations in different cultures.


Great for intermediate Students .
This is a conversation lesson which also includes grammar points and vocabulary.
How do other cultures celebrate? Would we like to experience these festivals?
These are 7 different festivals from around the world. 
Songkran , La Tomatina,  Tsechus Bhutan, Dia de los Muertos, Kumbh, Venice Carnival, Buso Festival. Photos will be shown during the explanation. Unfamiliar vocabulary will be explained.
One specific grammar structure to be introduced: I would /wouldn't ...  Would you visit the festival? Woud you dress up ? I would/wouldn't .... etc
During discussing the festivals in other countries we will add discussing festivals in the student's country.

I always include one idiom for students to learn :
In this case the idiom is 'mixed feelings'. Do you have mixed feelings about a certain festival? 

Homwork can be. : find a fun festival and read about it/write about it  for the next time to be discussed in the first 15 minutes of the next lesson. 

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