General Notices from Tutor Lisa D.

Earn a 35% off coupon!!!!!

Понедельник, 1 Июнь 2020 r. 20:40

Hello Dear Students!

Have you ever wondered what kind of food the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, eats?  I found a wonderful video about this.   I also decided it would be fun to share this with my students and offer them the chance to earn a coupon as well. Because this is a challenging video and transcript, you can earn a 35% off coupon by completing the crossword puzzle. 

Here is the video link to see what kind of foods Queen Elizabeth eats. 


Here is the Transcript link to help you:

To earn a coupon you need to complete ALL 3 steps:

1. Watch the video and read the transcript.

2. Complete the crossword puzzle with the correct answers on the screen.  All of the words in the puzzle are in the video/transcript.  Here is the link for the crossword puzzle:

3. Send me a message through Cafetalk once you have completed the puzzle. I will send you a coupon for 35% off the lesson of your choice.  

ALSO... listed below are my June coupons for 15% off the lesson of your choice. 

I look forward to seeing you in a lesson soon. 

Best Wishes, 


Coupon Name: June Coupon
Code: e709a2a5
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jun 1, 2020 ~ Jun 30, 2020
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver) 

Coupon Name: Bonus JUNE Coupon!
Code: eb76fc2b
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jun 15, 2020 ~ Jun 30, 2020
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver) 


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