Always is the Best!

Weekly Topic: What is the best Christmas dish in your country/area?


Not every one of us can be stars. Stars became stars because someone gave them the spotlight, someone stayed in the background. Same as through when it comes to food. Not every food could be put in the center. 

In the Philippines, the Noche Buena (Christmas Eve dinner) depends on how bountiful we had reaped during the last few months of the year. There were times when a family could barely put something on the table, so a small serving of ham as the main food was enough. There were times when the family could afford to have a whole lechon (roasted pig) as the main course and had bigger party for relatives and friends.

However, there is one dish that’s always present no matter what the budget is – the macaroni salad. It could be an appetizer but we like it sweet, hence, most of the time we considered it a dessert. 
Also, it is easy and convenient to prepare. It can be prepared a day before the celebration so it won’t get in the way during the busyness of the main day.

Most people would eat it last, too. It could be because it's their save-the-best-for-last dish or it's the only dessert available. Many of us also considered this as our go-to food whenever there's a big celebration. At times and for whatever reason that we shop late for Noche Buena, you can expect the possibility of not finding its ingredients on their shelves as they are sold out!

Thus. when we choose for the best food we shouldn't only have one criterion such as taste. The best food should not only taste good but it should also give convenience, comfort and consistency - just like in everything! 

And with this, it's safe 
for me to say that macaroni salad is the best Christmas dish in the Philippines - holistically speaking!

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.
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