Word of the Day - Luminous

Brian R.

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday! The word of the day today is Luminous. Have you ever heard this word before? Let me give you some examples:

"The moon and the stars are so luminous tonight."

"Her face was luminous under the moonlight."

The last example was kind of cheesy, but this word means:

Bright and shining light, especially in the dark.

It is an adjective, so you can use it to describe something that is bright when everything else is dark such as the moon, stars, a lantern.

This word is part of a word family that involves illuminate, which is a verb meaning to light up.

Use this word in your next conversation, if you can ;).

Have a great day everybody and happy learning!

Brian R.

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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  • Brian R.

    Your welcome Ikumi! I have never heard someone use it to describe a feeling. We use it to describe the way things and people look.

  • Iku0816

    Thanks Brian! I could learn something new! Can I used the word when I describe feeling? i.g) I'm feeling luminous.

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