베리네 한국어식당Berry's Korean Restaurant

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식당에서 쓰이는 한국어를 알아가는 시간 Time to learn Korean spoken in restaurants


삼겹살집(korean babeque restaurant)에 방문한 것처럼 
실생활 회화(real conversation)를 익혀봐요
Learn real-life conversation like visiting a Korean barbecue restaurant
サムギョプサル屋さん(korean babeque restaurant)に訪問したように実生活会話(real conversation)を学んでみましょう

-한국에 있는 식당에 방문한 것처럼 음식 사진을 보면서
한국음식에 대해 말해봐요
Let's talk about Korean food while looking at pictures of food like we visited a restaurant in Korea

-직원과 손님 역할이 되어 이야기해봐요
Let's talk to the staff and the guest

-강사가 직접 가본 한국 내 식당이라 맛집을 알 수 있어요♥
It's a restaurant in Korea that the teacher has been to, so you can find good restaurants♥

*줌zoom을 통한 수업입니다.♥
It's zoom class.♥

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  • Less than 24 hours before lesson start time.→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
  • No-Show→ The tutor may take a cancellation fee.
    (Please check with the tutor for details.)

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