Reading Japanese

1,500 P
Has Trial
What is difficult for you in Japanese language? Let's overcome the area you are not good at!


日本語(にほんご)で 書(か)かれた 様々(さまざま)な 文章(ぶんしょう)を 読(よ)みましょう。 あなたの 興味(きょうみ)にあった 読(よ)み物(もの)を 用意(ようい)します。 予約(よやく)する 時(とき)に 希望(きぼう)の テーマが あれば おしえてください。


※このレッスンは 中級以上(ちゅうきゅういじょう)を 対象(たいしょう)に しています。 

In this lesson, we will read various reading materials in Japanese. I will prepare what you are interested in.  If you have a request, please let me know at a reservation in advance.

ex.  news, blog, recipe, advertisment, story, letter etc.

※ This lesson is recommended for intermediate and advanced students.

This tutor's cancellation policy

Before request is confirmed (fixed)

  • Cancellation possible at any time without charge.

After request is confirmed (fixed)

  • Less than 24hours before lesson start time.→ 50% of price charged.
  • No-Show→ 100% of price charged.

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