General Notices from Tutor Huong

New Course Lessons & Coupons!

May 1, 2022

Check out my new Course Lessons With Coupons!

There are currently 2 courses to choose from so you can pick one that best fits you!

Course 1: From Seed to Sprout
(Beginner to Intermediate Level)
Course 2: From Sprout to Tree
(Intermediate to Advanced Level)

Course 3: From Tree to Flower (Coming soon)
(Advanced Level)  

I look forward to our lesson! ^^

Lesson: Course 1: From Seed to Sprout
Price: 1100 Points
Length: 25
Trial Minutes: 10

Coupon Name: Course 1 Lesson Coupon
Code: 8c096be7
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Course 1: From Seed to Sprout
Effective for lessons conducted between: May 5, 2022 ~ Aug 5, 2022
(GMT+09:00 Tokyo)

Lesson: Course 2: From Sprout to Tree
Price: 1100 Points
Length: 25
Trial Minutes: 10
Coupon Name: Course 2 Lesson Coupon
Code: 4432f94f
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Course 2: From Sprout to Tree
Effective for lessons conducted between: May 6, 2022 ~ Aug 6, 2022
(GMT+09:00 Tokyo)

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